Recently, many young people in the country are asking about education. Most importantly, children's choice of language media, marks, children not reading, whether to pressure children or not, what happens in children's lives, the number of these questions keeps on growing. I will answer based on some experiences. There are also some comforting facts. This field is getting deeper as it is known.
Now parents are more worried about exams and marks than our children. There is concern about the outcome for the children. We all need to figure out what is important to our children. It is normal to stumble while walking but stumbling over and over again is stupid. It is impossible to win without losing, a winner who loses does not care even if he faces a hundred defeats. We need to instill courage in our children.
An attitude of accepting defeat and victory equally needs to be taught. A great parent needs to pay special attention to the future and life of their school children. We who give birth to children can only dream of what they will become, we should provide that kind of opportunity, but we don't want to worry that our children will not turn out as we thought.
I think you should ask your child's teacher about this. This has also been confirmed by many academicians and researchers. As a parent, I only ask my teachers. Child, this is just an attempt to share with you the dreams that have arisen with me, I have entrusted the life and future of that child to you. Please don't make them crazy about marks. Don't measure children by grades. Teach them to live beyond marks.
Please don't tell me that it is necessary to get a higher position, but have you come to Udal to get a higher position? How study complements employment. Try to clarify how what you read can be used in the workplace. Rather than getting a job, explain how education and employment are interrelated through opportunities.
Tell our children that no matter what the work is, it is best to do it honestly, happily, proudly, and honestly. Teach standardization. Explain how all tasks are important instead of being superior or inferior in tasks.
Today, books are the world's greatest asset. Books provide information about the world. Life gives you the power to teach. Make our children crazy about good books, and don't give them the illusion that school books are our limit. Try to tell how books are helpful to get a taste of how beautiful life is beyond texts.
When we were young, we used to scare the children that the police uncle would come to the house and that ghosts would come. You, the schools, tell our children to be disciplined with joy instead of trembling in fear. Through this, let the children live without fear in life. Discipline should be understood and adopted without forcing it.
In this race of life, we need to enjoy everything. We are living a very stressful life. Teach our children to live, teach them to be calm instead of running away from difficulties, dance when happiness comes, and teach them to laugh even in pain. May the world smile, may the world be mine. Teach them to respond to the pain within the world. Adapt to every situation of life and fill with indomitable strength.
There are thorns in the jali tree of the current species, and around it is flowers called our children. See to it that the seed of caste is never planted in our children. Adopt the ways out of this caste in life and teach them the necessary points for a friendly life. In this garden of peace of all races, give us a way of life of patience and peace.
We all live among nature. We all need to realize the importance of nature. Tell our children to get lost in nature if they can, to soak in the pouring rain, enjoy the beauty of butterflies, count the birds in flight, follow the ants walking in a row, and fill them with curiosity waiting for the seed to germinate. Teach me how to gaze upon the cool breeze, the rising rainbow. Try to develop the habit of enjoying natural scenes like seeds sprouting, and peacocks unfolding their feathers.
As in the text, say that the plant gives oxygen, and makes the mind come to bet on planting the same plant. Try to teach how important a plant is to human life. Teach our children about the natural damage caused by the destruction of a plant. Our children must learn such a great quality of seeing the color of a green leaf. Tell our children the ways to save nature are being destroyed for the benefit of man.
Cheating and fraud are rampant in the present society. Teach our children to lose honestly rather than cheat and win in life. It is necessary to teach without forgetting the lesson of how defeat is the inspiration for victory. One of the needs in today's life is the need of today's life where we don't get upset when we lose and we don't shut up when we win. It is also the need of our children today to learn such a mindset.
Tell our children to achieve with honesty rather than gain by doing injustice, rather than gain by hurting others. Life is so beautiful to tell me how to enjoy it. Let our children know that there is joy in every moment. Let its moments fill your heart. Teach the character of respecting women, looking at the poor, weak, and old, and making them feel like rushing to help those in trouble and pain.
It doesn't matter if you fail, learn to work and live happily in life. I want to see our children live as good human beings rather than a doctor, engineers, and high officials. Allow it to materialize. Give yourself the courage to move forward no matter what. If you, as a teacher, inculcate such qualities in our children, I owe it to you.