5 tips for a flatter belly

Do you dream of a flatter belly, lighter well-being, and a smaller waist circumference? Here are 5 helpful tips that will help you on your way to a flatter belly and a better feeling.

1. Work out in the morning

A morning workout for a belly press is a great start to the day. The weakness of the abdominal muscles is one of the most common causes of a protruding and deformed abdomen. The good thing is that just a few minutes of morning workout for the abdominal press is enough and you won’t see any results anytime soon. Do a few exercises for the abdominal press each morning and repeat them. Bends, touching the ball, and raising and lowering the compressed legs are perfect. You can search for videos of various exercises on youtube. The most important thing is your mood and regularity of exercises. By the way, we advise you to sit and walk upright all day - it also trains your abdominal muscles.

2. Eat a good breakfast

You should remember that breakfast is the main dish of the day. They must not be missed. Breakfast not only provides energy for a full working day but also helps maintain metabolism, even blood sugar, good mood. Oatmeal cooked in water, seasoned with honey, nuts, and cinnamon is perfect for breakfast. It is a very good source of composite carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. Another great alternative is a fruit and vegetable cocktail, which is high in fiber and vitamins. Curd with honey and flaxseed is also great, but you should watch how you feel after dairy products. You can also fry an omelet with vegetables on a teaspoon of melted butter or just boil the eggs and eat them with a slice of wholemeal bread and avocado. These are just a few examples of nutritious and energizing breakfasts - more can be found at various sources.

3. Follow a diet and do not overeat

You should eat at least 5 or even 6 times a day because a regular diet in small amounts helps maintain a steady blood sugar level and enjoy a flatter stomach. A regular diet helps reduce the risk of hunger and overeating. The diet should consist of 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks with healthy foods. You should pay special attention to nutrition, as responsible chewing, eating in silence, and concentration are very important for further digestive fluency, abdominal plane, and optimal intestinal function. You can try the landing day once a week. During it, you can drink buttermilk with bran / or eat cabbage soup / or drink water with lemon. In this case, you must be very careful that the day of unloading does not end with overeating.

4. Try to give up some foods

Eat less or give up foods containing refined sugar and refined flour - a variety of sweet pastries, cakes, candies, biscuits, sweet pancakes, etc. It is best to replace sweets with more acidic fruits such as grapefruit or kiwi. Occasionally you can enjoy dried fruit as it is a great source of fiber. Remember that grapes, pears, apples, and plums can pop your belly. Flatulence can also be caused by some vegetables and dairy products such as broccoli, head cabbage, legumes, fresh milk, and cream. It is better to give up sweet and carbonated drinks as they are high in sugar, food additives, and carbon dioxide which increases waist circumference.

5. Drink more water

Water helps maintain the body's tone, improves gastrointestinal peristalsis, promotes circulatory processes, and cleanses the body, which is very important for maintaining the abdominal plane. The easiest way to drink more water is to always have a water bottle nearby. The water can also be flavored with a variety of fruits and berries, herbs, and cucumbers. You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day (if you do not have any kidney problems). You can also eat more watery fruits and vegetables, as this will provide your body with not only fluids but also vitamins, minerals, and plant fiber.